Saturday, August 29, 2009

an easy one, if it works at all

The next screenshot is hidden, but I am having trouble finding it myself. The search function of the site where it's hidden doesn't seem to be picking it up, even though it's plastered with my name and "Thief screenshot".

Maybe it takes a few minutes to go into their database.

Ah well, here's the hint.
It's a place where clearing finds many (if not most) of the Thief goodies he posts to his site and TTLG forums.

This was supposed to be an easy one.


Yup, he found it straight off. I felt he needed some slack after the previous head scratcher. :)

The next one will take a little while to set up. I'll post the hint here when I'm ready. It'll be the grand finale.

1 comment:

  1. Very easy:
